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Monday, August 29, 2016

First Day of School Plans

I can't believe it is back to school time already!  Summer flew by, but honestly I am so excited to be back in school!

Every year I feel like I forget what to cover in the beginning.  I thought I would share with you what I did on my first day with my new kinder babies.  I used this Jitter Juice packet by Mrs. Law's Kinders to add some fun to my day.

I started by having kids play with pattern blocks while I sorted through supplies and folders.  I wanted to make sure I had everything squared away.

I had students decorate hats for the first day of kindergarten, and color a self portrait.  

While they colored, I pulled them one at a time to take a picture of them on the first day of kindergarten.  They turned out so cute!

I forgot how long it takes my students to complete tasks, so our day wasn't filled with too many activities! 

We also reviewed our morning routine procedure, morning meeting, and began our calendar routine.  I learned that I must start these routines on the first day and it helps the students learn quickly what to do.  By the end of the week things are usually running pretty smoothly. :]

We read the book First Day Jitters.  It is my favorite!  We discussed what happened in the book, and then we made our own jitter juice!  I had students add "jitter-free sprinkles" to their juice to help them get rid of their jitters.
We wrote about how we felt on the first day of school, and each kid decorated their own jitter juice.  I used this activity for my hallway bulletin board display!

Our day flew by!  We had some tears, we had one get sick, we learned some lessons, and we had lots of fun.  That is a successful day in kindergarten, and trust me each day just gets better!

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