Thursday, April 9, 2015

Non-Fiction Reading Clubs - Week 3

Week 3 of our non-fiction reading book club unit is complete!  During this week, we focused on what we should do when we don't understand the book.  Well, there are many things students can do, but do they do it- no! :/  So, I am working on encouraging my students to be more independent when trying to solve problems.  They often just skip over the part and don't even try to understand it or they  immediately ask someone else for help.  Don't get me wrong, I am all for helping my kids when they are struggling.  However, I also want them to learn how to attempt it on their own because when they are testing - I won't be able to help them.

So, we created a list of things we can do when we don't understand something.  We have learned how to use all of these things throughout the year, but it is always a good reminder for the students.  I also liked having all their resources listed in one place so they can reference it.  

I also stressed for them to not spend more than 2-3 minutes on figuring it out.  I don't want them to get frustrated or spend the whole reading block finding one simple answer.  If they cannot solve it within 2-3 minutes, then they must ask someone for help.

I also feel that it is important that the students focus on things that are important, not small words or phrases that might not mean much to the whole story.

Check out my not-so fancy anchor chart below!

Once we learned how to answer our own questions, we focused on finding the main idea of the text.  When reading a chapter book, it is important that students can find the main idea of each chapter.  This will help them remember and understand what they read.  

So, when finding the main idea we must:

1. look at the title
2. look for details
3. look at the pictures
4. look at the introduction/table of contents
5. think about the characters in the story

The main idea must also have the who and the what!

You can find the activity and worksheets in my non-fiction reading book club unit below!

Check out week 4 by clicking here!

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