Sunday, April 5, 2015

Dr. Seuss Fun!

Are you ready to learn about all the fun things we did for Dr. Seuss day!?

We had a blast and also took the time to review some skills we were struggling with.

During math, we focused on finding fractions of a set.  I read One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish and then used goldfish crackers in a fish tank to represent a group. We placed goldfish in the tank, then the kids were asked to find a fraction of the group.

If there were 10 fish in the tank and they needed to find 1/5 of the group, then the students placed the fish into 5 equal groups since that number is the denominator.  The numerator tells them how many groups to look at, so they look at 1 and count how many goldfish are in it.  The answer would then be 2!

The kids loved it, and of course I let them eat the goldfish at the end! :]

Another group worked on measuring during math.  I read The Foot Book and they measured items in the room using inches and centimeters. 

During reading we performed a Reader's Theater skit of Dr. Seuss stories.  The kids LOVED it!  They really got into their characters and enjoyed the fluency practice.  You can see them practicing in their groups before we performed. 

We of course had to make and eat green eggs and ham!  I let the kids help me make them.  I love giving them chances to do life skill activities because many do not get these experiences at home.

The kids watched the progress along the way and documented details and descriptions for the green eggs and ham!

Here is the yummy treat!

Students recorded their observations on this page. 

My teacher friend and I dressed up as Thing 1 and Thing 2 to really get into the spirit of Dr. Seuss Day.  The kids seem to always enjoy when we get into it. :]

What exciting resources do you use for Dr. Seuss day?

You can find all these activities by visiting this blog post!

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