Wednesday, February 8, 2017

100th Day of School

We celebrated our 100th Day of school!  We painted 100 dots on a paper.  We used q-tips to paint 10 dots in each section, this helped us keep track of our counting!

Then, we made cupcakes and added 100 sprinkles to them!  This one was pretty sticky. 

We also wrote down 100 reasons why we love our school and kindergarten.  This was one of my favorite activities.  The kids were so sweet!

We also rolled dice and counted to 100 on a number grid.  We used 100 cups to build things.  The kids LOVED this one!

I used an aging app and printed off my kids' photos.  Then, they wrote what they would do if they were 100 years old. I loved these! 

Also, Grandma Brosey visited our classroom.  She was our 100 year old visitor for the day.  The kids loved playing along as she wobbled around with her cane and rolled in her wheelchair. :]

What are some things you do for the 100th day?!

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