Monday, January 30, 2017

Practicing Main Idea in Fiction Books

We have been working on main idea in our books.  To help us with our main idea, we found the beginning, middle, and end of the book.

We read Three Cheers for Tacky and then used our flip book to help us find the beginning, middle, and end.  We focused on looking at what mostly happened at the beginning and what mostly happened in the middle.  I often find that my kids pick one thing at the beginning, middle, and end instead of summing it all up.  We did this activity together.  I've been trying to provide a lot of modeling for my class with this topic. 

We practiced using the title of the book and using the beginning, middle, and end of the story to state the main idea.  We found what all of these things had in common to state the main idea.  The kids helped me do this, and they did a great job!

How do you review main idea in your classroom? 

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