Thursday, April 16, 2015

Wax Museum - Non-Fiction Unit Presentation

We finished our non-fiction reading unit, so the students shared what they learned by presenting in a wax museum.  This is something people have been doing forever, but I just thought it was so cute.  My students really got into it.  They wore their outfits all day and we had to refer to them as their character name.  It was very impressive to see how hard they worked and to see how much they learned.  The students were so well prepared that many spoke as if they were the actual person and shared a lot of information about him/her.   Check out our pictures below!

Ferdinand Magellan 

Harry Houdini

Neil Armstrong

Anne Frank

Jane Goodall

Thomas Edison

Walt Disney

Jackie Robinson

Babe Ruth

Then, we had other students in our school visit.  Each person was given 3 tickets to attend 3 different exhibits.  When they handed the ticket to one of the presenters, then the presenter would unfreeze and begin talking.  The kids loved being "frozen!"

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