Saturday, April 11, 2015

Non-Fiction Book Clubs - Week 5

It is the final week of our non-fiction book club unit.  The kids have learned so much about reading non-fiction books and how to share what they learn.

This week, the students finished the second biography they were reading.  So, now they have read two different biographies on the same topic. This is so important for students to understand that they should read several articles or sources about the same topic to become experts on the topic.  

I started by discussing with the class why we compare two books on the same topic.  The students helped me create the anchor chart.  This helps me see what they have learned, as well as fully understand what we're doing.  When the students can explain in their own words, then I feel that the lesson has been successful.  

Then, we made a chart that allowed us to share what we learned from book topics and how they shared the same information.  Then, we shared why the author wrote this in both books.  We have learned that a fact that is shared in both books must be very important.  Students were given a recording sheet where they wrote about the two biographies they read.  The recording sheet matched the chart below. 

Once we compared the two books, we then focused on writing summaries of the non-fiction text we read.  So, we compared non-fiction summaries to fiction summaries.  

Then, we wrote out how we should write a non-fiction summary to help the kids stay on task when writing their summary.

You can find my non-fiction summary rubric here and my fiction summary rubric here if you are interested! 

You can get my non-fiction reading unit by clicking on the picture below!

Thanks for checking out my non-fiction reading unit!  Be sure to check out how my students shared what they learned by visiting my blog post about our Wax Museum

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