Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Book Awards - Opinion Writing

While writing our opinion pieces about our favorite books, we had to learn more about different book awards.  The students researched these various types of book awards and shared their findings with the class. 

In order to keep it organized, I made a QR code for each student that would pull up the book award they were researching.  The first day I tried this activity, I had students just get on the computer or tablet and google the award.  WOAH - that was a HOT mess.  We got nothing accomplished and the kids were feeling frustrated.  So, I stopped the lesson and thought we could go back to it tomorrow.

That's when I came up with the idea of using QR codes and it would take the students to the website that would explain to them what the award meant.  It was kid friendly and the students were then able to regurgitate what they learned.  I felt brilliant! (haha not really, but it was much easier!)

You can see the kids working together using the QR codes and then recording what they learned in their writing journals.  The kids were feeling much more productive and were learning something today!

Once they finished, we gathered on the rug and the students shared the information they learned about the book awards.  I placed it on this fun chart so we could reference it as we went.  

Then, we came up with our own award categories for our opinion pieces.  The students chose three categories: funniest, most entertaining, and mysterious.  Then, the students were split into the three categories so I had 3 students writing opinion pieces about each topic.  When we completed our unit, the students read their papers to the class and the class voted on which writer persuaded them the most to read the book.  Then, that was the winner!

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