Monday, March 30, 2015

First Reconciliation

My students experienced a very special evening for their First Reconciliation.  They started at the church where they led their families in a special mass. 

Here is a copy of our mass if you're interested!

Then, the students individually walked up to the front of the church with their family members.  The child would introduce their family to the priest, and then their family would sit back in the pew while the child went to the altar for their confession.  We played music lightly so people wouldn't hear their conversation.  The other students sat in the pews with their families and completed a Reconciliation pack.

Once they were finished, they cam back down the stairs and met with their families and the priest again.  The priest gave them a blessing, and the child then went to pray his/her penance.  Once he/she was done with their penance, they received a cross necklace and certificate for their completion.

When every child completed, we all went to the school cafeteria for a short reception where they could celebrate with their family.  Here are some pictures of my kids at the reception!

I also gave each child a small gift for completing their First Reconciliation.  I made a treat bag with this note.  You can find the note here.

What do you do for First Reconciliation? 

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