Sunday, March 29, 2015

Fiction Book Clubs Week 4

This is our final week for the reading unit.  Wow, this month has flown by!  The students have participated in meaningful discussions and have grown as readers.

The last week we looked at topics within a book.  When we read we are always looking for things we can learn more about to help us better understand what we read.  For example, if you are reading a book about the election of the President of the United States then you might want to study more about the election so that the book makes more sense.

That is what we did in the books we were reading.  We thought of topics in the books that we could better understand to help us really enjoy the book.  If we spend time trying to figure out something then it takes away from the book.  But, if we do a little research on the topic, then we can read the book with ease!

While we read Junie B. Jones, we thought of some good topics in the book we could learn more about to help us really understand the book.

Then, we thought of our connection to the topics and why we would want to learn more about them!

Students also completed this in their book clubs using their reading journals. 

Then, we focused on choosing one of the topics to research.  Students asked questions about the topic and then researched their questions using the computer or tablet.  This was a great way to practice independently looking up answers. 

Students recorded their responses in their reading journals and shared them with their group members.  Students reread the part in the book that included the topic they researched and discussed how this may have changed their thoughts of the book.  When we research topics it also helps build schema!

The students did a wonderful job throughout this unit.  I hope you enjoyed learning about what we did.  If you are interested in purchasing the unit that includes all the lessons, worksheets, activities, and reading journal, please click the image below.  You may also just purchase the fiction reading club journal separately. :]

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