Saturday, July 12, 2014

Poetry for Breakfast

Morning Poetry

I know it is summer - but I cannot stop thinking about the beginning of the year.  Since I am starting in a new grade, I've decided to change my morning poetry routine.  Leave me a comment below letting me know your thoughts!

Each morning we gather on the rug to read the poem for the week.  I choose a poem that we focus on for the week.  I think it allows students to practice fluency when they reread the poem.  Each day of the week, we read the poem.  The students also take their poetry folder home each day to recite the poem of the week.  In my Morning Poetry Pack you will find the fluency recording sheet.  I require students to read the poem at least ten times in order to receive their name on the class Poet-Tree.  Then, they are able to enter their name in a drawing on Friday to be the Poetry King or Queen of the week.  If their name is drawn, then the student gets to wear a crown for the day.  Once a student has their name on the Poet-Tree ten times, they receive a prize from the prize box.

Check out the recording sheet below:

The students enjoy reciting the poem at home and competing to win Poetry King or Queen of the week!

During the week, we practice our poetry in the morning.  I think this is a great way to get the day started and to have a daily routine. The students also get a chance to review several literacy skills when working on the poetry activities I have placed in my Morning Poetry Pack.

Check out the two different schedules I use throughout the year depending on the poem we work on.

I made Monday-Friday baskets that hold each worksheet for the day.  This allows me to stay on track, and the students know where to find the activity for the day.  I also create the poem in a PowerPoint document and place it on the Smart Board.  You could also write the poem on chart paper.  I think it is important to have a large display of the poem to practice tracking the print on and searching for other literacy components.

Here is an example of one of the activities in the packet:

Please feel free to check out my product in my TPT store.  Just click the image below!

Thanks for visiting my page - please be sure to leave a comment below about what you do during your poetry time!


  1. I haven't tried a lot of poetry in my room but this looks wonderful and fun! Thanks for sharing your idea!

  2. Pocket Charts! My kids read it (paper) & put in binder. Read pocket chart poem, mix it up, put it back together, match vocab cards ( 3X5 cards) to poem vocab, illustrate ( sometimes ), & on every other Friday we do a Mixed UP Poem ( strips mixed up & they have to put the poem back together. ) LOVE POEMS! Wendy 1stgradeifreworks 1stgradefireworks

  3. I teach upper elementary intervention classes, so I don't do poetry on a regular basis. I do poetry as a connection to the themes of our units. I love your idea.

